What Kind of Links Really Help Your Website Rankings?

For many years, the advice from almost any web design company in Boise was to build a site that included many links to high-value websites.  The more popular a website was, conventional wisdom ran, the more you should target it with backlinks.  However, new developments and advice from Google authorities have changed what professionals in SEO for Lawyers Boise think about this advice.  Today, an SEO company in Boise will probably advise against seeking links to popular or high-authority websites and instead, suggest seeking links that add value for specific users.

 The Linking Game:  How To Boost Website Rankings

 Google’s authorities have recently corrected a very old and persistent misunderstanding about how links to popular, heavy-traffic websites can impact search engine rankings for the linked site.  Instead of automatically boosting the rankings, search engines tend to ignore these types of connections in favor of links that provide additional value to users.

 What this means is that links, if they are truly useful, should fit naturally into the profile of the website.  It should be relatively easy and natural to link to authoritative websites in your field, and you should do so whenever possible.  However, this linking should be done in such a way as to add value to your user experiences.  Links should offer one of several benefits for the user, including:


        Providing expansion of an existing point.  When a link helps readers further understand a point or concept on your website, it is a useful link.  Many websites link to authoritative sites that help to give context or explanation to a complicated topic.

        Providing evidence for a claim.  When you need expert “proof” of a claim or fact on your website, linking to authoritative sites can be very useful.  It not only helps your readers understand what you are saying, but also verifies that you are interested in publishing accurate information.

        Explaining a term or concept.  Sometimes, it is easier to direct users to a succinct explanation of a complicated term or concept through the use of an infographic or other material on a remote website than to try to explain it on your own website.  These types of links are great to offer your users the choice of digging deeper for understanding complicated terms and processes.

 Whatever you choose to link to from your website, it is important to keep it useful for your visitors.  When web crawlers can see the utility of your links, they are much more likely to give you credit for them and push your search engine rankings higher.

Caldiatech has been designing strategies for SEO for law firms and other organizations for many years.  We work with our clients individually to decide what is best for their unique needs and work accordingly to create the perfect website and SEO strategy.  Give us a call and let us get started helping you build a strong website and an even stronger marketing plan today!


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